It's that time of year again:
Time... for being bombarded by "new year, new you" marketing! (Yawn)
And also: wtf. This year has been hard enough without buying into the idea that we are somehow less-than and require reinventing in order to be worthy of love!
Instead of trying to become a whole new person, what if we tapped into more of who we really are? Join the FREE challenge & find out
Our 2021 "New Year, More You" challenge is themed around connecting daily with 2 most important, accessible and yet oft-neglected aspects of being YOU:
Your breath, and your spine! This challenge is FREE (though you will need a membership at in order to access some of the activities) Click here to receive your FREE challenge card!
So you can start the new year feeling good in your body, and great about who you are.
September is Yoga Awareness Month.(Were you aware?) When you’re doing yoga on your own...It’s easy to get distracted, lose sight of your goals, or forget why you even DO yoga anyway. Before you know it, the healthy habit that makes your body feel so good and your mind feel so calm-- has become something you don’t prioritize, but only do when there’s nothing else going on. You’re not alone. Lots of yogis started out this spring with a bang. They were taking Zoom classes multiple times a week, or getting up early to sweat with a recording before the kids were awake. Lately though, their practice is inconsistent- or maybe even non-existent! Here’s the truth: The best way to break the cycle of NOT doing yoga is... to do some yoga.Your yoga practice should be flexible (pun intended) and possible to implement consistently in your life. An "all or nothing" approach is SO last year. Join us for a 30 Day Challenge during Yoga Awareness Month, and get aware of how simple it can be to fit some yoga into your life, every day! CLICK HERE to get your FREE challenge calendar! So you can start feeling in charge of your health and absolutely loving your life, instead of just going through the motions. How do I nail this?Every day in September, you must (1) do SOME guided yoga practice: any video or audio you find on HHY To Go counts, and (2) complete the day's activity as it appears on the calendar. What do I win?Pride! But also: Everyone who completes the challenge (practicing yoga every day AND completing all tasks on the calendar) will get entered in a drawing to win a SUPER SECRET SURPRISE BUNDLE from HHY...!! Where do I find classes?Sign up for HHY To Go here and access all our interactive and on-demand online classes, including options from 5- 90 minutes! $40 per month, no commitment.
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December 2020