You'll want to ensure your room itself is sealed off from the rest of the house to reduce unnecessary heat loss. Check doors, windows and any other random cracks and holes!
Got a door?
- If not, this thermally insulated curtain will keep your space hot. It goes in your doorway and closes on its own with magnetic clasps so that no matter how many kids or dogs decide to come check up on you during your practice the room will stay closed and hot.
- If yes, you'll need to seal between door and frame to keep the heat in.
- For the bottom of the door, use a door draft blocker.
- A couple options for around the frame of the door:
- For a simple, cheaper, pretty good seal use 3M's door sealer
- If you're willing to spend a bit more money and time to achieve a better seal, use this high density foam gasket.
- Use this simple foam seal to seal around the window frame.
- To seal and insulate the entire window you can use a window insulator kit.
- These magnetic covers will take care of vents in floors, walls, or ceilings.
- Too tacky? These covers go on the underside of the vent to block drafts. They take a little take a little more DIY but do the same job while looking better.
Other cracks/ gaps:
- This 3M silicone tape is built for exactly that.
- Weird gaps or spaces? Great Stuff foam insulation is really... great stuff for just that! Check out the image up top for how it looks sealing gaps around an AC unit. (You can easily slice off the excess with a box cutter- or just paint it white and pretend it is whipped cream and you are in Candyland!!
- Need a waterproof foam? This Great Stuff is legit. It's designed to be used as a pond liner. Also, speaking from experience, it's helpful at sealing outside gaps that squirrels use to get in your attic. Until they start eating it.
Double check to ensure there are no items in this room that could be destroyed by being in a humid environment- like your 1st edition hardcover autographed copy of Homer Simpson's Little Book of Laziness!